Article Abstract


Authors: Guanghui Li,Jianguo Hou,Songxi Qian,Guangbin Xia,Yongjiang Ma


Objective: To study the clinical characteristics, diagnosis and treatment of primary urachal adenocarcinoma.

Methods: Six cases of histologically confirmed primary urachal adenocarcinoma were retrospectively reviewed.

Results: The median age of this series was 55. Incidence duration was 4 to 7 months. Tumors were found in all patients by cystoscopy, CT and B-ultrasound. Urachal adenocarcinoma in 4 cases and bladder cancer in 2 cases were diagnosed before operation. The segmental resection of tissues around the mass was performed in 5 cases, all patients received chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

Conclusion: It was difficult to confirmed diagnosis early, and differential diagnosis from bladder cancer was important. The wide surgical excision should be taken with adjuvant chemo-or radiotherapy.

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